How does Net Competitor work?
It works by bringing the common things you need together in one place and available where ever you go.
Online Registration
Accept registration for your competition online, allowing eligible competitors to sign up easily. more
Online Matches & Leagues
Create custom competitions for you and your friends, or make them open to anyone. Shoot different. more
Shooters or Team Managers log in, post scores and the match results are calculated based on your rules. Greatly reduces human error! Electronic scoring support in development. more
Promotional Matches & Leagues
Promote a new product or event by creating a custom competition. Spread the word! more
Practice Drills
Need some new drills? Shoot in ours against the computer, create new ones of your own and even challenge others to train with you to make it a game! more
Player Page
Proudly displays player's ranking, reputation, experience and progress in our exclusive social community. Find, friend or challenge shooters! more
Club, Organization or Business Page
Be featured, liked and followed in our exclusive social community. Promote your organization, map location (if applicable), contact information and competitions. Engage your community! more
Payment Processing
Process match fees for your league online, payments can be deposited directly into your league account.
Three different modes of online lane assignment for shoulder to shoulder matches, without communication problems. Squadding made easy! more
Flash Matchtm*
Find & friend shooters from anywhere in the world and challenge them to a competition! Text, audio & video chat available with rules defined by you, as friendly or competitive as you want. Never stop shooting. more
Raise funds for your club or cause by running an entertaining match and we will help you support it! We also donate a portion of our revenue to support junior shooting programs annually. more
Shoot in entertaining games like Solitaire and Horse with others from around the world and host a game night like never before! more
Social Community
Check out shooter profiles, clubs, organizations and companies from all over the world and follow or friend the ones you are interested in. Stay connected! more
Experience, Ranking, Rewards* & Reputation*
We calculate your performance & reward you for your accomplishments! See how you do against your peers. Earn FREE tokens! Chart your progress and grow! Reputation system coming soon. more